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​Information Exchange

Information Exchange leverages experience and best practices across the industry and among CANDU utilities so that each member and supplier participant can make the most of shared operating experience and best practices. It also connects COG members for sharing of timely information, knowledge management and collaboration for operational, maintenance and refurbishment innovation.


​Learning and Development

The COG Learning & Development (L&D) Line of Business focuses on developing leadership, safety culture and professional expertise across various functional areas and empowering participants to thrive within the nuclear industryL&D offers a range of tailored training opportunities, including customized programs for non-members, and supports collaboration with international organizations such as WANO and the IAEA.

Nuclear Safety & Environmental Affairs

Nuclear Safety & Environmental Affairs (NSEA) works on behalf of COG members to promote the adoption of common strategies to evolve policy and resolve issues for nuclear safety, regulatory affairs and the environment while furthering industry-level strategic initiatives.

​​Research & Development

Research & Development enables COG members to share the risks, costs and the rewards of R&D projects in six program areas: Nuclear Safety and Licensing; Chemistry, Materials and Components; Fuel Channels; Health, Safety and the Environment; and the Industry Standard Toolset of safety analysis codes. A Strategic R&D program is also underway to ensure long-term sustainability.

Joint Projects & Services​

The COG Joint Projects & Services program creates a collaboration forum where members can fund solutions to common issues and, together, innovate new approaches to design, operation, maintenance and refurbishment. As well, JP&S tackles materials-related issues such as acquisition of obsolete parts, sharing of spare parts and obsolescence management.

​COG Highlights


About COG

​Small Modular Reactors



COG News​


CANDU Owners Group (COG) 2024 Highlights.pdfCANDU Owners Group (COG) 2024 Highlights1/10/2025
CANDU Owners Group (COG) Collaboration Update - Winter 2024.pdfCANDU Owners Group (COG) Collaboration Update - Winter 202412/17/2024
CANDU Owners Group (COG) Collaboration Update - September 2024.pdfCANDU Owners Group (COG) Collaboration Update - September 202410/3/2024
COG 40th Anniversary Publication.pdfCOG 40th Anniversary Publication9/30/2024


CANDU Owners Group (COG)

55 Bay Street, 17th floor
Toronto ON M5G 2K4 Canada

(416) 595-1888
(416) 595-1022 (fax)


Bruce Power
Canadian Nuclear Laboratories
CNNP Nuclear Power Operations Management, CNNO
Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power
New Brunswick Power
Nuclear Power Corporation of India
Nucleoélectrica Argentina
Ontario Power Generation


Saskatchewan Research Council

Societatea Nationala Nuclearelectrica

Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Hydro-Québec and the Nuclear Waste Management Organization are also participants in some programs.

COG also has Supplier and Small Modular Reactor Vendor Participant programs. See full listing on the Participants page.

CANDU Owners Group - Excellence through collaboration

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