SMR Vendor Participant Program

Watercolour leaf and skyline illustration with SMR designs inset

About COG's SMR Vendor Participant Program

​COG's Small Modular Reactor Vendor Participant Program (SMR VPP) addresses common challenges of SMR deployment and assists vendors to understand operator challenges in Canada and internationally. It also ensures a strong network supporting future infrastructure needs for SMRs.

The VPP helps to keep open lines of communication for information exchange across the SMR vendor community and looks at all aspects of SMR development relevant to vendors and operators including:

  • Fuel Cycle and Supply
  • Waste Management
  • Supplier Qualification
  • Regulatory Issues and Standards​​​​​

SMR Vendor Participants

The SMR VPP is comprised of 7 vendor participants:​

ARC Nuclear Canada SMR design

ARC Clean Technology

Sodium fast reactor

USNC SMR design

High temperature gas (micro) reactor

GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy SMR design

GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy

Boiling water​ reactor

Westinghouse SMR design
Heat pipe (micro) reactor
NuScale Poweer SMR design
NuScale Power

Integral pressurized water reactor

X-energy SMR design
High temperature gas-cooled reactor

Terrestrial Energy SMR design

Terrestrial Energy
Integral molten salt​ reactor

​Learn more about COG's SMR Program here.